Its here and yet despit my good intentions I decided totally forgot to buy the Lego advent calender. Cue a little last minute panic.
Solve it and go one better? Yes!
Race out and buy a box of Lego. We went for the $17 box so two storm troopers and two clones. Two kids sharing here!
I opened the box and wrapped a couple of pieces to be opened each day saving the telltale helmets and body parts until the 22nd and 23rd. If your kids are like mine theyll take one look at those helmets and pants and know exactly whos coming!
I stuck a plastic ziplock to the fridge so each day they can put the parts in ready for the end game.
On christmas eve they get the instructions. Its great! No suger, didn't cost a bomb and they are bonkers with excitement.
absolutely love this idea! Now, will I remember it for next year...??
Posted by: Celine | December 02, 2012 at 05:48 AM