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August 30, 2011


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it's gorgeous!!


Love the blanket. . .what is the actual dimension when done with 42 squares? How many squares are laid out wide vs. long? Thanks.

surf camp

Marvelous collection!! nicely designed and the color combination was really superb!! I like to create one by myself and want it to be gifted to my daughter!!


I would like a video. I do better with videos than reading when it comes to directions. If you know any good ones for this pattern let me know! Thank you!
P.S. I love the blanket and would love to make one for my girls!


Love the blanket and can't wait to make it! Some websites have "printable page" functions so you can print out the pattern without all the pictures, colorful designs, etc. to make it more cost-effective to print - is that possible for your patterns and I overlooked it?


I love the blanket and I am trying to make it, however I am having an issue. When I start the squares I cannot complete it evenly. I feel like I do not have enough stitchs when I complete the circle. How many stitchs are we to have when we finish the circle?


Stunning! Absolutely love the colours. This could be just what I'm looking for for my next project


I love this blanket. So very different from others I have found. I am having some issues with the stitch count. When I transition to the main color to start the square, there are not enough stitches from the circle part. Is there anyway to verify the stitch count? Thanks so much.

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