It happens every day.You see something that you have seen before only it was thoughtfully crafted and more beautiful.Yet there it is.The knock off.I do hope it was done with consideration and consultation with the artist. (Given that I had never seen this done anywhere else, I believe ,like many of you out there, that Margaret picked up a sea stone one day and, hook in hand,away she went)
One for you to enjoy because you cannot afford the original or you would like to have a go-we all do that.
Getting them whipped up cheaply and on mass to supply the demands of an international and much loved consumer mecca.Not so hot.
# photos from knitalette here
Lets hope it is simply the cycle of inspiration filtering through to the masses.
Hope you've arrived safely - just had drinks with Al & Claude - I hope you have a fabulous time there in lovely London, I'm so jealous!!!!
Posted by: Isabella Golightly | November 24, 2010 at 09:03 PM