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March 11, 2010


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I know exactly where you're coming from! Bionicle bits are the bane of my life - even worse are those jigsaw books where the pieces fall out constantly. Grrr! I'm awaiting 2 CK cowboy duvet sets for our bunks... v excited - the boys don't know yet!


It's amazing what a difference the right white can make! Stowe White is gorgeous, a white we used on our last reno. Good luck with the rest of it!


wow everything looks fab :-)
Mia has a strawberry shortcake doll I love it ;-)
I am with you on the boys and collections though - Jacob seems to have masses of stuff!! Do you have "gogo's" ? they are small little figures that hurt as much as lego when you stand on them - and he has hundreds .........
Lesley x


I forgot to say but there is something so sweet about finding all their collections that you didnt know about isnt there? ive just re done jacobs room with a new "bigboy" bed at long last and found so many little bits that he has kept over the past couple of years !

Rachel L

Your boys' room is gorgeous! I know exactly what you mean about all the stuff - I have 2 boys, 12 & 7, and the 7yrs old's room regularly makes me want to tear my hair out!! All the lego, gogo's, pokemon cards etc are just a nightmare. Be reassured, though, that it does start to ease off a bit once they get to about 10 or so!
R x

Happy Turtle

Beautiful transformation. I like the space and the lived in yet uncluttered look. Well done.


Wow- it looks awesome! Love the cubbies and the cool piece next to their beds- I want it for my room. It is unbelievable how paint changes a room. I've been trying to find something that has color, but is neutral (sort of)(does this exist?) for my daughter's room- since we are trying to sell the house. It's hard to convince a kid that you'll paint her room, but then you're going to paint it a blah color (and what if the house never sells?)- I thought bright white and just go for eye popping colored curtains, etc? Your place is making me lean towards it. Oh, also, the crown moulding is really cool too.


I just find your blog today and I am amazed :


That's my kids room.

And apparently we share some same taste for order and furniture !!


Hi - I attempted to leave a comment/question last night but it seems to have disappeared in the internet ether. I came across this post when searching for images of Stowe White. The boys' bedroom looks lovely - are the walls Stowe White? What colour is the ceiling? I hope you don't mind the random questions! :)

Jordan Flipsyde

Chance to read your blog, I really like your blog, let me learn a lot! I will focus on your blog, refuels!

Bunk Bed

What a great use of space in the boys room. Bunk beds, plenty of shelving and drawers to keep organized, and the whole floor open for Thomas and the trains. That is the neatest boys room I have seen in a long time.

Company location UK

The photography of the house is nice and want to know more on this blog.

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