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March 31, 2010


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Isabella Golightly

Hey Miss C, apparently a mob called jellybean bikes is coming here & you'll be able to choose colours for all the components of your bike - even the chain! How great will that be for lovers of colour!!!


Can you get these in Australia? I'd be proud to ride one of these! Looks like a Smeg on wheels ;)


I've had my Electra red betty for a few years now and it is love! I live on the north shore which is VERY hilly and the bike is heavier than my husband's bikes but the gears help a lot and it's good for the thigs, right? I also have an mtb but the cruisers are so much more comfy and are perfect for suburban riding. I have my basket on the front, the toddlers in the croozer at the back and I can head to the shops to pick a few things up or just cycle around the neghbourhood for some exercise. The Electra bikes are worth a look!


whoops, here's the link


Hi Clare,

Please see your blog as something for you, for yourself. Like a friend you can talk to when you need it and want to.

And about the bikes, my favorite so far between those is definitely Viva. I just love the turquoise colour, it looks comfortable, and the fact you can carry your stuff on the front, that's a feature I want on my bike too. I'm so curious if you are going to buy a bike, and if yes which one you are going to choose.

xx Petra


Far out...how could you possibly choose? They are all quite magnificent, and also having toyed with the idea of a bike - to keep up with the kids too! - you're really throwing all kinds of expensive ideas into my head! I think the powder blue one is my favourite...mmmm...

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they are amazing! Cycling is my main mean of getting about including to do the shopping and I love very much the green basket. So much more fun than the boring one I have. Get cycling I say (very good for the legs and the head!)


Yay, bicycles!

All of these choices are fabulous. I love my Oma and my Rivendell Betty Foy, but I also really want a Pashley :)


Love the Princess Sovereign, don't give up on her!


Love the Paula by retrovelo!

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Yaayyy! So nice to see so many beautiful bikes all on one site. I too am in love with so many of these bikes. I just "ordered" my Viva Kilo in the all beige color and I'm so excited to receive it! Thanks for further inspiration and to know that I'm not alone in my obsession : ).


I own a Giant that folds in half and stores in a bag. LOVE it.

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